One of the most inviting cities of Italy is Verona. The central and ancient square, a Piazza delle Erbe is above any description, it probably surpasses both the Piazza San Pietro of Vatican and The famous square of Udine. The age of the palaces varies from 700 to 400 years, some - Casa Mazzanti among them - are decorated with frescos. The tower of the town - though it radiates solemnity - does not dominate the square. The square is full of relics of medieval times: Berlina, where the rulers of the town used to be elected, marble column with Marc-lion, the symbol of rule of Venice. And this beauty is not dead, not a museum of law voice, but a vivid fruit & vegetable market. 

A few steps from the square you will find the house of Giulietta, the love heroine of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, a nice, cosy place.

The Roman amphitheatre is one of the biggest and very well preserved. Opera performances are held in it every July-August (see L'Arena di Verona below). It was built in the first century A.D. and there were 22000 seats in it. Climb up the 43 steps, it is worth to glance at the city. The huge building is again the centre of life: it is surrounded by tents of a real flea-market.

When you simply walk in the streets of this medieval city, you feel always like this: ancient monuments, air of two millenniums and modern, quiet, rich life. 


Comune Verona

L'Arena di Verona


Verona and around

Virtourist - Verona